Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Showing me the way
Only a couple of weeks to go before I set off.  What do I really need to take? What can I leave behind? Lists have been made, maps poured over, and only time will tell if I have prpeared well enough.

For the most part I am excited and can't wait to get on the road but I quite naturally have fears and anxieties about what I am about to embark on and those that care for me have theirs too. A good friend has bought me a head torch in case I end up walking in the dark (definitely not in my plan but you never know....). Nigel has given me an emergency blanket, and I am currently considering the satellite  SOS system suggested by Rev Mugo.

I also am considering the state of my mind as I prepare to travel. As with my rucksack, I hope to travel light . Tricky to achieve at the best of times, but somehow, over these past 6 months leading up to this trip, I have found myself more able to keep in the moment. This plan of mine to do this walk, for the most part, has been held lightly in my mind. And I have a great role model at the moment. My daughter is pregnant with her first child and I asked her recently about her birth plan. Her response was I have no birth plan! She has done her research, knows as much as she can about her options and has realised that, with the unpredictable nature of childbirth, it would be foolish to cling to a plan. She is an inspiration to me. If she can let go whilst preparing for her big event, then so can I!

Next priority is to get myself a travelling altar ready for meditation en route. Nigel has suggested a three folded card with a Buddha image on it, and I could easily find space for a packet of incense and a lighter. I am sure that the B&B's might be able to lend me a votive candle. Any other suggestions gratefully recieved.  My next post will contain pictures of said altar set up - a thought that is making me smile right now - have altar.... will travel!

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